Our Story

I met Prince Sam in 2008 on his humble homestead in Salama Kenya.  His pregnant wife and 18 month old daughter lived in a home made of mud and dung and the drought had taken the garden where they had grown vegetables to buy milk for their baby.  

I was with the Cheetah Conservation Fund on a volunteer assignment and our mission was to trap and radio collar two cheetahs.  We had been unsuccessful and were invited to a friend of Mary’s for chai.  We were with Daktari, a Kenya Wildlife Service veterinarian and he told us the story of the bees.

We were told that the local bees were taking poisonous water to cool their hives.  Nobody knew what it would do to the bees or the honey.  When I got back home I sent $50 to Sam so they could have money for food but he took part of it and bought a beehive.  

Today, 12 years later Sam is the Bee Master of East Africa.  Together we have taken wild bees on safari to villages in Africa and he has become the top expert on bees in his realm.  Two months ago, he told me he was ready to build his own apiary of 200 hives on the land he had bought for his family with the money he earned from the bees traveling around Africa giving seminars and setting up apiaries.  

The day he told me, 222BUZZ was born.  

We are adopting out these beehives so people like you can bee involved and witness Sam and his family create HUNAB KU Apiaries.  

Story Update January 2021

Sam bought land for the Apiary. He traded 4 bulls for a patch of land that was nothing but rock. We named the land Nyuki (“bee” in Swahili) and Sam and his family set about clearing the rocks to plant 222 trees and provide forage for the apiary yet to be. We opened the funding for #222Trees on 2/22/2021 and through today on 5/22/2021 through donations and sales of CocoNoni are only 10 trees shy of the goal. Every $11 spent on CocoNoni plants a tree on Nyuki!

The first 33 hives were named "The Swarm” and it was pre-released to friends and all hives were adopted out in three days. On August 18th, we released the second batch of 33 hives called “The Comb”.

Get involved.

Adopt and name a hive by paying $44 from our most recent batch. In addition, you also receive a $22 credit in CocoNoni Sacred Salve.

Keep Up To Date with 222BUZZ at our Facebook Page. Looking to make a donation? Contact us via the button below:
